


10bet十博体育(HDH)紧急医疗服务(EMS)部门成立于2000年,当时伯恩斯市志愿消防局将救护车服务职责移交给了10bet十博体育. 我们的服务区域包括伯恩斯和海恩斯社区以及哈尼县的所有地区-超过10个,000平方英里!

In addition to providing 24/7 emergency coverage for the county, hhh EMS提供教育, 社区事件的紧急报道, 还有当地学校班级的参观机会.



悬崖Stoutenburg管理HDH EMS部门. Originally from Sheridan, Oregon, Cliff has been with HDH since 2020.

At 14, he joined his local fire department to work toward becoming a first responder. 他对这项工作产生了热情, 2010年, left the fire side to continue his growth in the field of emergency medicine. 克里夫是俄勒冈州的医护人员, 认证重症护理护理人员, 并有绳索救援证书, 车辆解脱, 还有灭火专业的副学士学位.

Cliff moved to Harney County after multiple years in the Portland area. 他说,他更喜欢从事边疆急诊医学,喜欢这个小社区和它令人惊叹的成员. Cliff believes Burns provides valuable experiences to EMS members, 他也很感激社区一直以来的支持. 对他, 执法部门之间的良好关系, 火的实体, EMS是在哈尼县工作的另一个好处. 克利夫说,他工作中最好的部分是帮助社区,并在那些往往处于最糟糕状态的人的日子里做出积极的改变.

在他空闲的时候, Cliff enjoys being with his 家庭 and spending time outdoors, 无论是游泳, 骑自行车, 攀爬, 或者探索洞穴.



斯蒂芬妮Swierkos于2022年加入EMS团队. 斯蒂芬妮在爱达荷州麦考尔长大并上学. 在被当地社区大学的强化EMT项目吸引后,她决定加入急诊医学领域.

斯蒂芬妮更喜欢农村的急救环境. 她说她喜欢在哈尼县工作,因为那里有社区氛围和小镇的感觉. 她还享受每一次轮班的起起落落,以及确定病人疾病和受伤所需的调查.

As a mother of two toddlers, Stephanie spends much of her free time with her children. 她还喜欢远足、滑雪和和她的动物一起玩.



Kyle snyder于2022年加入EMS团队. Originally from Melrose, Oregon, Kyle works in Harney County and lives in Bend, Oregon.

从罗斯堡高中毕业后, Kyle attended Oregon State University to earn his bachelor’s degree. 随后,他参加了国家医学教育 & 护理学校培训中心(NMETC). 凯尔是一名国家注册护理人员(NRP),他接受了各种培训,如水上救援, 绳索救援, 战术医学, 荒野医学. 他最近通过了国际专业认证委员会(IBSC)考试,成为一名认证的社区护理护理人员.

凯尔从小就很喜欢童子军, which built a sense of duty and an interest in serving the public within him. These values, along with his interest in science and adventure, led him to a career in EMS. Kyle thinks the best parts of his job are the diversity of each workday, 他的EMS同事, 以及HDH紧密的员工文化.

虽然他不住在哈尼县, 凯尔喜欢偏远的乡村风景, 文化, 和社区. 凯尔说,他在为哈尼县人民服务的过程中获得了巨大的成就感,他很荣幸能够照顾他们,让他们继续做自己喜欢的事情.

Kyle and his wife try to spend as much of their free time outside as possible. They love to climb, mountain bike, trail run, and ski together.



马特·爱德华兹于2024年加入EMS团队. 马特在洛杉矶、俄勒冈州南部和本德长大. 他获得了加州大学圣克鲁斯分校的学士和硕士学位,以及Weed的the College of the Siskiyous的副学士学位, 加州.

马特有高级心血管生命支持(ACLS), 儿科高级生命支持(PALS), 新生儿复苏计划(NRP), 先进医疗生命支持(AMLS), 国际创伤生命支持(ITLS), 基本生命支持(BLS), 和心肺复苏术证书. He also received special training in wilderness and remote medicine, 水上和绳索救援, 战术紧急伤亡护理, 战术战斗伤亡护理(TCCC), 还有防暴药物. He is currently training to become a 社区 Care and Critical Care paramedic.

有消防背景, 马特还完成了所有州和联邦规定的结构和荒地消防课程.

马特说,他被哈尼县吸引是因为他喜欢在偏远和严峻的环境中工作. 在他空闲的时候, Matt can be found exploring the county’s vast landscape.

当被问及他最喜欢自己工作的什么时, 马特说,他喜欢和优秀的人一起工作,为社区提供一流的医疗服务.



凯蒂·柯林斯于2012年加入EMS团队. 她在哈尼县的Frenchglen和Riley的乡村小镇长大,毕业于伯恩斯高中.

卡蒂亚在宝谷社区学院继续她的教育,并获得了EMT认证. She later went on to become an 先进的EMT (AEMT) through the EMS/Fire Academy. 她不会就此止步. 卡蒂亚目前正在通过国家紧急医疗技术人员注册中心(NREMT)学习成为一名合格的护理人员。.

Katia first entered the medical field as a veterinary technologist (vet tech). 她对医疗保健的热情由此而生. 后来,她成为了一名注册护士助理(CNA)。, 在加入紧急医疗服务团队并晋升之前.

She said working in Harney County allows her to do something positive for her friends, 家庭, 以及她成长的社区. Although it can be difficult to see her friends and neighbors experience emergencies, 卡蒂亚说,能够帮助他们是非常值得的. 她对我们的社区抱有很高的关怀标准. Katia added that her coworkers in the EMS Department have become like 家庭. 他们共用一个紧的。, irreplaceable bond that comes from depending on each other in challenging situations.

Katia said Harney County is unlike anywhere else, and she can’t imagine leaving home. She explained that community members are kind and supportive of each other, 这是一个养育家庭的好地方. 她还指出,风景很美, 这里有很多享受户外活动的机会.

当她不上班的时候, 卡蒂亚在打猎, 钓鱼, 野营, 打高尔夫球, 开车去看风景, 和家人在一起.

高级EMT 金伯利Theall的照片


金伯利Theall于2017年加入EMS团队. Kimberly grew up in Vale, Oregon and has lived in Harney County since 2006.

She attended Treasure Valley 社区 College in Ontario, Oregon. She is an 先进的EMT (AEMT) as well as a CPR coordinator and instructor. 金伯利想进入医疗领域, and the opportunity presented itself as a career in emergency medicine. 她很快就爱上了自己的工作.

对金伯利, the best parts of the job are helping people who are at their worst, 工作时间多变, 花时间和同事在一起. She also enjoys the small, close-knit community of Harney County.

在她空闲的时候, 金伯利喜欢玩桨板, 滑雪, 徒步旅行, 和她的孩子们在一起.



斯蒂芬妮·塞尔于2022年加入EMS团队. Stephanie grew up in Burns and was excited to move herself and her children back home.

斯蒂芬妮就读于西南俄勒冈社区学院,并获得了国家紧急医疗技术人员注册(NREMT)的认证。. 随后,她在爱达荷医学院继续深造,成为一名高级急诊医疗技术员(AEMT)。.

斯蒂芬妮毕生对医学领域的兴趣, 还有她对小社区生活的热爱, 将她的急救事业带到了伯恩斯. She loves working in Harney County and considers the EMS department her second 家庭. 斯蒂芬妮说,她工作中最好的部分是与病人和同事建立关系. She also likes getting to make each patient’s day better, however she can.

在她空闲的时候, Stephanie likes to travel and spend time with her friends and 家庭.  

Shealyne Peasley

Shealyne于2023年加入EMS团队. 她在哈尼县出生和长大,她说她很感激有机会回馈她所爱的社区.

从伯恩斯高中毕业后, Shealyne entered the medical field as a certified nursing assistant (CNA). 然而, 干了几年之后, 她对急诊医学产生了浓厚的兴趣,并决定通过EMS/Fire学院获得EMT执照. 在学习成为急救医生的过程中, 希琳是一名急诊室技术员, confirming her decision to pursue a career in emergency medicine.

Shealyne went on to receive an 先进的EMT (AEMT) certification through Idaho Medical Academy. 她说,学习新技能、获得新执照和证书的机会是无穷无尽的, 她喜欢与来自不同背景的有才华的医学专业人士一起工作. 她指出,急诊医疗领域的每个人似乎都和她一样热衷于提高技能, 分享知识, 开发最佳实践.

Shealyne said she chose to work in Harney County because she loves the close-knit community.

“如果你不认识某人, 你认识的人认识他们,”她说。, adding that she’s watched our community come together overnight to help a 家庭 in need.

Shealyne noted that no one ever wants to experience an emergency, but she’s happy that she can use her skills and knowledge to help those in need.


EMS办公室管理员和EMT 金正日Kautz的照片

EMT / EMS办公室管理员 

金正日Kautz于2008年加入EMS团队. She was born and raised in Burns and can’t picture herself living anywhere else. Kim said she likes living in a small town and exploring the far reaches of Harney County.

从伯恩斯高中毕业后, 金院长参加了东俄勒冈大学和宝谷社区大学的在线大学课程.

Kim has known that she wanted to be an EMT since she was a kid. She has always loved helping people and serving her community.

在她空闲的时候, Kim can be found baking and decorating beautiful and delicious cakes.  她也喜欢露营,钓鱼,打猎,在她的院子和花园里工作,花时间和家人在一起.



克里斯蒂娜·班顿于2003年加入EMS团队. 她在俄勒冈州的莱克维尤长大并上学.

Christina joined the emergency medicine field while living in Grass Valley, Oregon. The highway through Grass Valley saw many motor vehicle crashes, 所以她决定成为一名急救医生来帮助她的社区. Christina and her 家庭 moved to Harney County when her husband transferred for work. 搬到一个新的地区后,克里斯蒂娜想继续做她喜欢的事情:帮助她的社区. She believes Harney County is a wonderful small community and a great place to raise kids.

在她空闲的时候, 克里斯蒂娜喜欢户外探险, 园艺, 野营, 和她的孙子们在一起.



Brennick鲍曼于2022年加入EMS团队. 原产于绿湾, 威斯康辛州, 2012年,布伦尼克搬到了哈尼县, 毕业于伯恩斯高中.

布伦尼克就读于宝谷社区学院,并获得了国家紧急医疗技术人员注册(NREMT)的认证。. 他想帮助人们,拯救生命,并认为急诊医学将提供一个很好的机会.

布伦尼克喜欢每个工作日带来的不同体验,而且他的工作让他定期到县里去. 对于Brennick, 住在哈尼县最好的地方是很容易出城去探索户外. Over the years, he has grown to love the area as well as the various options for recreation.

Brennick enjoys spending time outdoors, riding motorcycles, and staying active.


For information about local 心肺复苏术和急救培训 opportunities, please call 541-573-3687.

你也可以在美国心脏协会找到相关课程 阿特拉斯网站.


A First Responder is a community volunteer who is trained and certified in first aid techniques. 这个项目在哈尼县的农村地区非常重要,我们的广阔空间意味着从伯恩斯来的救护人员要花很长时间.

如果你喜欢帮助别人, 住在农村地区, 并希望在你的社区有所作为, 你可能是个完美的急救员!


有关HDH EMS的更多信息,请致电医院 541-573-7281.

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